Located in the national forest on the backside of Aspen Mountain, offering breathtaking vistas of the Castle Creek Valley and the white peaks that surround the historic ghost town of Ashcroft, Colorado.
GETTING THERE: 39° 06' 00.14" N | 106° 48' 23.00" W
The Smith Cabin is located in the national forest on the backside of Aspen Mountain, offering breathtaking vistas of the Castle Creek Valley and the white peaks that surround the historic ghost town of Ashcroft, Colorado. Aspen Mountain's Sundeck Restaurant at the top of the gondola sits just 3.8 miles north of the Smith Cabin by foot and four-wheel drive in the summer and snowshoeing or snowmobile in the winter. The drive to downtown Aspen is about 35 minutes – off Little Annie’s Road and down Castle Creek road.
Summer & Fall Access
4-wheel drive jeep - the cabin is approx. 35 minutes from Aspen - or - Hike 3.8 miles to Smith Cabin from the Sundeck on the top of Aspen mountain.
Winter Access
Snowmobile in from the base of Little Annie’s Rd, Midnight Mine Rd, or the top of Aspen Mountain - or Use cross country skis gear, AT gear, or snowshoes and trek in from the top of Aspen Mountain or the base of Little Annie's.